InCor Continuous Registry of Chronic Coronary Disease

Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit


Chronic coronary disease (CCD) is currently a major health condition and continues to be one of the leading causes of death in Brazil and worldwide. On the other hand, the Instituto do Coração HCFMUSP (InCor) is one of the main cardiology institutions in Latin America. Over the years, the clinical characteristics, atherosclerotic risk factors, treatment and clinical evolution of patients with CCD have changed significantly. CCD mortality rates are markedly different in various regions of Brazil — generally higher in the North and Northeast than in the South and Southeast. Interregional differences are even more evident for risk factors: smoking, eating habits, levels of physical activity, obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. Furthermore, the approaches, devices and pharmacological agents used in vascular interventional procedures are rapidly changing, and continuous monitoring is also warranted. Finally, the population included in InCor's CCD Registry seeks to consider the entire spectrum of patients with CCD in their heterogeneous context. This spectrum will be checked with patients from other regions of Brazil and other international centers. This information will help to improve the management of patients suffering from cardiovascular disease, which represents the main cause of death in the world.

Relevant Points

  1. It's a study on chronic coronary disease (CCD), one of the leading causes of death and disability nationally and globally.
  2. The study is carried out at the Instituto do Coração HCFMUSP (InCor), a national and international reference hospital in teaching, research and medical assistance in cardiovascular diseases.
  3. The registry will allow InCor to document current clinical practice in a representative and broad sample of patients with CCD.
  4. The study aims to recommend strategies for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases with the potential to influence management policies and resources allocated to population health.
  5. The study will favor a wide and productive scientific exchange between national and international specialized entities.

Actual Inclusions




Design of the Study

This is a single-center, prospective, observational, contemporary and longitudinal registry in patients with CCD for 5 years of follow-up. The study was approved by the local ethics and research committees. All patients signed an informed consent form, in accordance with national and local recommendations.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To characterize InCor patients with CCD in terms of: demographic attributes and clinical profile, as well as to identify gaps (and possibly their causes) between the treatments offered and the treatments based on guidelines.
  2. To analyze long-term clinical outcomes and their determinants in this patient population.
  3. Facilitate the interaction of information on patients with CCS between InCor and other national and international centers.

inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria



Carlos vincente Serrano jr.

  • Director of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • "Livre Docente" at the Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)
  • Associate Professor of the Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)


Eduardo martineli moreira

  • Associate Physician of Complexo Hospital de Clínicas and of Santa Cruz Hospital - Federal University of Parana (UFPR)
  • PhD student at the Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)


Henrique trombini pinesi

  • Research Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • PhD student at the Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Research Physician

Carlos Alexandre W. Segre

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • Phd in Cardiology of Medical College of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP)
  • Collaborating Professor of Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Research Physician

Desidério Favarato

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • Phd in Cardiology of Medical College of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP)
  • Collaborating Professor of Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Research Physician

Eduardo Bello Martins

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • Phd in Cardiology of Medical College of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP)
  • Collaborating Professor of Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Research Physician

Eduardo Gomes Lima

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • Phd in Cardiology of Medical College of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP)
  • Collaborating Professor of Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Research Physician

fábio grunspun pitta

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • PhD student at the Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

Médica pesquisadora

fabiana hanna rached

  • Associate Physician of the Atherosclerosis Clinical Unit - Instituto do Coração (InCor) HCFMUSP
  • Phd in Cardiology of Medical College of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) and of Pierre and Marie Curie University — Paris VI
  • Collaborating Professor of Medical College of University of São Paulo (FMUSP)

research biologist

paula bolta

  • Master's degree in sustainability at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)

Administrative Assistant

Monique S. Da Silva Torres

Administrative Assistant

Simone souza santos

scientific production



  • Moreira EM, Pinesi HT, Martins EB, Pitta FG, Bolta PMP, Segre CAW, Favarato D, et al. Two-Year Follow-Up of Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Patients in a Specialized Center in Brazil. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2023;120(10):e20220440.




  • Manuseio clínico da doença arterial coronária crônica: Registro de pacientes de um centro terciário


  • Sex-related differences in the management of chronic coronary syndrome: registry data of a tertiary center in Brazil


  • Diferenças entre os gêneros no manejo de doença arterial crônica: dados de registro de um centro terciário no Brasil.
  • Follow up 1 ano:

Manejo de doença arterial coronária: registro de centro terciário no Brasil



  • Existe diferença entre os gêneros no manejo da doença coronariana crônica no Brasil? Dados de um Registro Brasileiro
  • Prevalência e fatores associados à diabete melito e à doença renal crônica em pacientes com doença arterial coronária em um centro terciário.


  • Two – year follow-up of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease in a specialized center in Brazil.

  • Diabetes and chronic kidney disease: Prevalence, associated factors and influence on optimal medical therapy in patients with coronary artery disease.


  • Two-year Follow-up of Patients with Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease in a Specialized Center in Brazil


  • Follow up 2 anos – indicado como melhor tema livre jovem pesquisador:
    Seguimento de dois anos de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica em um centro especializado no Brasil
  • Existe diferença entre os gêneros no manejo da doença coronariana crônica no Brasil? – dados de um registro brasileiro
  • Diabetes e doença renal crônica: prevalência, fatores associados e influência no tratamento médico otimizado de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana
  • Preditores de controle das metas terapêuticas em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana – Dados de um registro brasileiro
  • Níveis séricos de colesterol e uso de estatinas em pacientes com doença coronária – dados de um registro prospectivo de um centro terciário


  • Seguimento de dois anos de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana crônica em um centro especializado no Brasil – O registro CIC


  • Diabetes e doença renal crônica: prevalência, fatores associados e influência no tratamento médico otimizado de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana
  • Preditores de controle das metas terapêuticas em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana – dados de um Registro Brasileiro.
  • Níveis séricos de colesterol e uso de estatinas em pacientes com doença coronária – dados de um registro prospectivo de um centro terciário



  • Three-year follow-up of chronic coronary syndrome patients in a specialized center in Brazil.



  • Influência da escolaridade na qualidade do tratamento e nos desfechos de pacientes com doença coronária estável no Brasil.
  • Influência da etnia na qualidade do tratamento e nos desfechos de pacientes com doença coronária estável: dados de um registro de uma instituição terciária no Brasil.


  • Preditores de controle do LDL-colesterol em paciente com doença coronária – dados de um registro prospectivo de um centro terciário
  • Determinantes sociais de saúde: a influência da etnia e da escolaridade em pacientes com Doença Coronária Estável em um centro terciário no Brasil.
  • Seguimento de cinco anos de pacientes com Doença Coronária Estável em um centro especializado no Brasil.


  • Seguimento de cinco anos de pacientes com Doença Coronária Estável em um centro especializado no Brasil.



  • Estratificação de Risco em Doença Coronariana Crônica Segundo o Escore de Risco TIMI para Prevenção Secundária no Brasil

Funding and International collaboration


  • Donations

International Collaboration

  • Participation in the Chronic Coronary Artery Disease registry of the European Society of Cardiology
